Valve accessories

Electrical engine

According to customer's standardisation.

Pneumatic engine

Pneumatic single-acting and double-acting operation: JASPAR design (Ø from 124 to 1,000 mm). 

For whatever type of actuator, a manual override can be optionally supplied.

Suitable for any type of block valve.


Remote control

We make all types of remote control (manual, electric or pneumatic) to suit your needs.

Needle valve

Control valves for balancing water supply pipes.


Hydraulic damper to prevent the abrupt closure of the flapper valve in a sudden reversal of flow direction. Our design permits gradual slowing.


Elastic device for gland linings

Ensuring a constant pressure on the gland linings, the graduations make it possible to monitor wear on the rings.


Additional barrier seal to preventing leakage of hazardous fluid through jams.

Leakage recovery

Permits recovery of leakage at the gland to a special drain (for hazardous fluid).

Drain plug

Makes it possible to purge the body of a valve prior to intervention.











The TECHNEM Group supplies complete fluid technology solutions: valves, tanks, piping, gas pressure-reducing and metering stations, etc.


JASPAR, member of AGORIA



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